Joint Universities Preliminary Examinations Board (JUPEB) is an examination body that provides an alternative platform for gaining admission into various universities within and outside Nigeria. The Board examines in 19 basic subjects, which are requirements for admission into various courses in the university system. This JUPEB Syllabus contains a syllabus for each of the 19 JUPEB subjects. Each has been carefully designed by seasoned and sound scholars from various universities, to embrace the Nigerian and international curricula with a view to building foundational knowledge, systematic development, and practical acquisition and application of basic skills for students. Consequently, every syllabus inspires an average student to develop a sustainable drive and passion for learning.
The JUPEB curriculum is structured to provide a robust academic base for admission-seeking candidates for them to cope conveniently with the competitive selection process associated with Direct Entry admissions globally. Each syllabus is structured into four unit courses (e.g. BIO 001, 002, 003, 004); two to be taught in the 1st semester and two in the 2nd semester. The curriculum is flexible such that candidates have a broad range of combinations from the 19 subjects to satisfy the undergraduate course requirements. It is mandatory for each candidate to take three (3) of these subjects relevant to the undergraduate programme desired.
Of particular note is that admission with JUPEB certificates into tertiary institutions has a major advantage over other modes of entry into the 200 level academic programmes because candidates take the final examinations after exposure to a world-class, intensive and comprehensive curriculum for a minimum of one academic session.
For the foundation, Diploma or JUPEB programme run by universities using this JUPEB syllabus, it is the responsibility of each to admit, instruct, prepare and present its own candidates for the JUPEB examinations. A certificate of performance is issued to every candidate after approval of the results by the Academic and Governing Boards of JUPEB.